It's Summer--Now What?

Of course, the answer to this question depends on what grade you are in, so here are a few pointers for each grade level:

Going to be a high school Senior in the fall? These items should be on your to do list this summer:
  • Prepare for taking or re-taking the SAT/ACT and/or Subject tests
  • Work on your personal statement (the prompts don't change a lot from year to year)
  • Work part time and/or enhance your extra-curriculars through volunteer work, community service, athletic and/or arts participation, leadership participation
  • Start or continue researching possible colleges for you; think outside the box of your experience (i.e. consider different geography--such as small town if you're a city dweller or a city if you live in a rural area, size--such as small college if you went to a big high school, activities available, sports, campus life, etc.)
  • Consider taking a class of interest at the local community college to enhance your resume
  • Make some college visits, at least to nearby colleges
Going to be a high school Junior in the fall? These items should be on your to do list this summer:
  • Prepare for taking the SAT/ACT and/or Subject tests for the first time-consider taking a prep class
  • Review your high school record to ensure you meet/exceed the requirements for college. Remember, graduation requirements and college/university requirements are NOT necessarily the same
  • Work part time and/or enhance your and extra-curriculars through volunteer work, community service, athletic and/or arts participation, leadership participation
  • Start researching possible colleges for you; think outside the box of your experience (i.e. consider different geography--such as small town if you're a city dweller or a city if you live in a rural area, size--such as small college if you went to a big high school, activities available, sports, campus life, etc.)
  • Consider summer school if you need to repeat a class to improve a grade
  • Consider taking a class of interest at the local community college to enhance your resume
Going to be a high school Sophomore in the fall? These items should be on your to do list this summer:
  • Prepare for taking the PSAT-consider taking a prep class or using online practice questions
  • Continue planning your high school courses to ensure you meet/exceed the requirements for college. Remember, graduation requirements and college/university requirements are NOT necessarily the same
  • Think about what extra-curricular activities interest you and get started, if you haven't already, doing volunteer work, community service, participating in athletics and/or arts/performing arts, and so on
  • Start researching possible colleges for you; think outside the box of your experience (i.e. consider different geography--such as small town if you're a city dweller or a city if you live in a rural area, size--such as small college if you went to a big high school, activities available, sports, campus life, etc.)
  • Consider summer school if you need to repeat a class to improve a grade
Going to be a high school Freshman in the fall? These items should be on your to do list this summer:
  • Look over the courses offered at your high school and start to plan out your high school curriculum to make sure all of your options are open. Remember, graduation requirements and college/university requirements are NOT necessarily the same
  • Think about what extra-curricular activities interest you and get started, if you haven't already, participating in volunteer work, community service, athletics, and so on
  • Consider summer school if you want to get a head's start and make room in your schedule for more classes and co-curricular activities (newspaper, athletics, yearbook, marching band, theatre, etc.)
I know these are formidable lists, so also make sure you take time to have fun.


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