Next Steps

You're back to school for your senior year and have begun your college search process. Most likely, colleges have started visiting your high school, and I encourage you to attend as many of these visits as you can--and keep an open mind. Consider colleges in a different climate or a small college if you've attended a large urban high school. You might be surprised at what will feel like a great fit!

Take campus virtual tours--either by going to individual college sites or by using a virtual tours site, such as: Most college sites will even have dorm pictures--and since you're likely to be living in a dorm at least your first year, it makes sense to get an idea of what they are like.

If you still need to take the SAT, ACT, or SAT Subject tests, or if you want to improve your scores--get signed up IMMEDIATELY. For most colleges, the December test is the last one accepted.

How's that personal statement coming? Many of you will be writing a personal statement in your English class. . . .If you want some help coming up with a topic, you might check the prompts on the Common Application ( for some ideas.

Next, college essay writing tips!


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