Talent & Diversity Scholarships

Diversity Scholarships:

Many colleges & universities offer scholarships specifically to encourage students from diverse backgrounds to attend--these schlarships range from a small amount to full ride scholarships. Often times, these scholarships are given regardless of need. To find out whether the colleges you're applying to offer any diversity scholarships, go to the financial aid page of the school's website. Read the requirements carefully--you may have to supply an essay or an additional recommendation, as is often the case with scholarships.

Talent Scholarships:

Are you applying in music, performance, or fine arts? If so, check the department page as well as the financial aid page to find out about specific scholarships and awards based on talent. Carefully follow all of the instructions--these scholarships are likely to require an audition--whether in person or taped--as well as additional letter(s) of recommendation from someone outside of your high school who is familiar with your accomplishments.

START LOOKING EARLY FOR THESE TYPES OF SCHOLARSHIPS, so you'll have plenty of time to line up letters, write essays, and/or prepare for auditions.

Next time, we'll discuss evaluating your financial aid offers.


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